
Talent Matching Europe is an international partnership, which was co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme from November 2015 to August 2018. The project is focused on the development of the skills for a new role in Europe – the ‘vocational mentor’ who connects young talented people who are seeking work in the cultural and creative sector. The vocational mentor in the creative industries is an emerging role, encompassing careers advisers, youth workers, job brokers, coaches and trainers and others who support young people to benefit from the expanding opportunities in Europe’s growing creative industries.

TME open source platform offers a learning environment to provide anybody who is working in this field with a range of accessible materials and resources for their professional development.

Guide to the Learning modules

The learning modules were piloted by organizations in 6 cities, and are mapped against the European Qualification Framework at levels 4 to 5. Learning Materials were developed by the six partners with mentors and mentees in Action Learning Sets. You can locate learning materials for specific Learning Outcomes for each Unit here. Many of the materials can be used at either Level 4 or Level 5, depending upon the level of the learner. TME is about “learning by doing”, so all the materials include practical supporting activities applying the learning to the context of your work.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

These materials were used during workshops organized in Zabrze by ARTeria

UNIT 1 – Journey of Change

UNIT 2 – Personal Values

UNIT 3 – Desirable skills and attitudes

UNIT 4 – Mentor in music

UNIT 5 - Creativity and changing mindsets

UNIT 6 – Entrepreneurship

UNIT 7 – Communication

UNIT 8 - Time Management

UNIT 9 - Young Culture Management Case Study

UNIT 10 - Working in Slippers Case Study

UNIT 11 - Individual Mentoring for artists case study

These materials were used during workshops organized in Skopje by EASP

Training material

UNIT 1 - Theatre in mentoring - Create better me

UNIT 2 - Mentors' Collective for Crafts

UNIT 3 - Map supporting resources for creatives

UNIT 4 - Mentoring young creatives in game development

UNIT 5 - Mentoring young creatives illustrators

These materials were used during workshops organized in London by Collage Arts and Rinova

UNIT 1 - Action Learning Training Plan

UNIT 2 - Observable Role Play

UNIT 3 - Feedback Sessions and 1-1 Coaching

UNIT 4 - Guided Team Meditation

UNIT 5 - Group Feedback Sessions

UNIT 6 - Feedback sessions enterprise